MFA – Multi Factor Authentication

2 min read

Probably you have heard the term ‘MFA’ or ‘2FA’ already. MFA stands for Multi Factor Authentication while 2FA stands for Two Factor Authentication.

Typically we login into application using username and password. Over the advancement of technology, the cyber security threat also increased. If you use a simple password, attacker can easily guess or generate your password using bruteforce technology.

To make it more secure, we have multi factor authentication technology. In addition to your username and password(can be referred as single factor), you can enable MFA where it requires you to enter a token(can be referred as the second factor) that is sent to you. Typically, for MFA, mobile device is used as the second factor where the application send the token to your mobile phone. It can be email or authenticator app. It depends on the application you use, what kind of MFA they support or implemented for you to enable.

Not necessarily, it should be a token sent to you for second level verification. It can be your fingerprint match, retina scan or device binding that verifies it’s really you before granting you the access to their application.

MFA can be any number of factors not just limited to second level verification. Probably, the application you try to access first verify your device to allow you to enter username and password, you entered your secrets as second level credentials, then it might ask you to allow your access from one of your trusted device where you already logged in or it can call you/text you with a code which you require to enter before it can provide access you to the application.

MFA is a great way to secure access to the application. With the proper MFA implementation, it is nearly impossible for someone to get your access to an application.

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