Serverless Architecture

2 min read Serverless Architecture is an approach in software engineering where developers can write, deploy and run code without having to manage the underlying infrastructure(software and hardware). The name is little confusing. There is no such thing where you can deploy and run your application without any infrastructure. When someone says Serverless, it means the infrastructure is managed by the provider not them and they are just running their code in there.

WSL – The reason to love windows by developers!

< 1 min read Undoubtedly Linux is one of the best platform for web application development. Windows is a great choice for its ease of use and simplicity. Most of us prefer windows over linux for our regular use.

Until few days back, developers had to install linux separately or use virtual machine to run linux when you are in Windows. Windows 10 comes with an embedded linux subsystem called WSL. Now, you are no longer needed to install Linux as dual boot or virtual machine to use Linux as dev machine.

Learn vanilla JavaScript before learning any JS framework

< 1 min read We all know, JavaScript is a client side programming language and runs in user’s web browser. Until NodeJS build up and JS started being used in backend, we barely desired to learn this extremely useful programming language. Because , it does work, we never tried to use it more efficiently. Since normally JS runs on user’s browser, the performance bottleneck is not that much visible as much as in server. The server need to process thousand of request while user’s browser only process probably few websites scripts.

Functional, Procedural and Object Oriented Programming Pradigm

2 min read Computers can understand only binary 1 and 0 as we already know about it. So we humans created different high level languages to ease and make faster the development.

To make code more readable and manageable there are different paradigms which are used to write code so it can be more manageable.

What are compiled or Interpreted Languages mean?

2 min read In compiled language, the whole source code that we write in some higher level language is first converted to machine code before it can be executed by the machine.

For example, C is a compiled language. So if we write a program in C then there is a C compiler which convert our written code to machine language. And as I said machine codes are specific to particular hardware model or type.