Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

2 min read

The versioning of Web is really funny! When we say Web 3.0 it does not mean a new Web version released with number 3.0.

We version the Web using numbers to denote different phases of it’s journey where different capabilities were there in different times.

At its initial stage, web was only meant to consume content produced by the website creators. We refer that time as Web 1.0 or Read only Web. 1989-2004 is the Web 1.0 era. In that time, website creators used to produce content and there was a very little capability of editing in internet browsers using forms. Users only able to read the content produced by the website creators.

After 2004 till 2020, we refer it as Web 2.0 or Read/Write version of Web. Web got much of it’s capability we use today like blogging, vlogging, Forums, social networking, internet search engines, APIs, Cloud etc. In this period, web content not only produced by the website owners/developers but users/devices are able to create/produce/share content. We got internet search engines, websites able to talk to each other by using API, Cloud came into picture. Mostly Web 2.0 refers the era where the web could produce/share content by anyone rather than only website creators.

Now, we are onto Web 3.0, the next generation of Web. The future Web will be more interactive, personalized, decentralized and secure. We are already seeing the evolution of AI, ML, Data Science, Blockchain, VR etc. emerging technologies. The IoT(Internet of Things) is everywhere. The future of Web is being visioned to point out the weakness or flaw of Web 2.0. In Web 2.0, data security is one of the major concern. Big tech giant companies or even any website can use user’s personal data to monetize and earn revenue. Users are not getting revenue share but sacrificing their personal data in contrast to using the websites. In Web 3.0, blockchain will be used to decentralize the website system and more privacy control will enhance user’s personal data security. The interaction will be more realistic and semantic. By semantic, it is meant to be used like real world conversation. The websites or systems developed during this era, will be able to understand the semantics and interact or respond accordingly. The response or suggestions will be more personalized. AI, ML, DS, Blockchain will dominate and difference between human and machine will get reduced.

In a nutshell, we denote the version number to specify different capabilities of web in different times. The web invented by Tim Berners – Lee in 1989 comes through tons of phases now and future will be more exciting, personalized, contextual and interactive. The website will interact users just like real human. Rather than typing keyword in Search engines, you can type your entire sentence or real world conversation like text. The search engine will understand your expectation and respond to you accordingly. We already know Meta – this kind of technology will become common in future. By using VR, we will be able to drive into our virtual world and can interact others, attend parties, buy properties and that will be a whole new virtual world.

The Internet of Things will get more traction and become more and more of our daily lives.

That is the future of Web. Sounds exciting! – Isn’t it!

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