Learn vanilla JavaScript before learning any JS framework

< 1 min read

I always say, JavaScript is the most disregarded yet most widely and universally used popular programming language. We all taken JS as granted and don’t want to spend a little time to learn it as just we do for other backend programming languages.

Because , it does work, we never tried to use it more efficiently.

We all know, JavaScript is a client side programming language and runs in user’s web browser. Until NodeJS build up and JS started being used in backend, we barely desired to learn this extremely useful programming language. Because , it does work, we never tried to use it more efficiently. Since normally JS runs on user’s browser, the performance bottleneck is not that much visible as much as in server. The server need to process thousand of request while user’s browser only process probably few websites scripts.

I saw people were learning jQuery or React without knowing JavaScript. I always suggest to learn the basic before jumping into any framework. To become a long runner you need to really focus on the basics first.

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