SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, FaaS, BaaS…

2 min read The terms like ‘X’aaS where ‘X’ stands for the service name usually a service model that evolved over time with cloud. Cloud service providers offer services in various ‘X’aaS models.

‘X’aaS is an abbreviation for ‘X’ as a Service, meaning you can buy ‘X’ as a service or offload the management hassle for ‘X’ and buy ‘X’ as a service from CSP(Cloud Service Provider) and they will manage everything about ‘X’ for you. Only you have to pay for using the ‘X’ service.

AWS LightSail – VPS and Web hosting in AWS

4 min read Cloud adoption is growing over time definitely for good reason. AWS is the leader among the cloud service providers. The ecosystem of AWS is massive and rapidly growing.

The companies offer us cloud services in many different models: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, FaaS, BaaS and so on. AWS LightSail is a VPS(Virtual Private Server) and Web hosting service offered by AWS.